Sunday, October 23, 2005

Erik. Posted by Picasa

Looks happy, huh? Posted by Picasa

The Mai's house and grocery store Posted by Picasa

Toni, Erik and Mamedes inaugurated the swimingpool at the Mai's Posted by Picasa

That was Erik and Toni's bed room Posted by Picasa

The ipe flower is quite common, but it is beautiful Posted by Picasa

The ipe flower tree anounces the spring in Brazil Posted by Picasa

Bright yelow ipe flower Posted by Picasa

Ipe flower tree Posted by Picasa

Watch your head! Posted by Picasa

It seems that he learned Posted by Picasa

Erik did it too! Posted by Picasa

Toni and the kids capoeira teacher Posted by Picasa

Look that! Posted by Picasa

Toni did it. Posted by Picasa

No comments! Posted by Picasa

It's fun play Posted by Picasa

It is quite a dance Posted by Picasa

Capoeira game at Project Peti and Asema Posted by Picasa

That's the longest shaking 100 meters Erik and Toni have ever crossed in their lives! Posted by Picasa

Scarry, huh? Posted by Picasa

Would you cross it? Posted by Picasa

Toni is scared! Posted by Picasa

This pendant bridge is bigger than the other. Posted by Picasa

Toni and Pastor Armin Posted by Picasa